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ÒÌ «Chudova» offers a number of jellies produced to our original recipes. An extremely simplified cooking process makes it possible to prepare a desired and attractive – by applying your imagination – dish.

We offer the following assortment of jellies:

Jellies belong to food concentrates, namely, to desserts. Jellies are the mixture of fruit and berry essences, or aromatic food essences with sugar, food acids and additions of artificial coloring agents. Gelatin, agar or gelatizing potato starch can be used as gelatinizing agent. The humidity of dry formulas for jellies based on gelatin and agar can’t be higher than 6%, and for jellies based on gelatizing starch it cannot exceed 9.5%. Sugar concentration for jellies should be no less than 86-89% and the concentration of acids no less than 1.3-1.6%.

Jellies go well with various semi-products for making shortbread and sponge cakes such as butter creams, egg and soy based creams; as well as with jelly and fruit fillings, soufflé etc. Jellies can be used not only for glaze coating but also for making fruit and flower-like figurines etc.

Storage. Ready jelly is a dessert. It should be kept in a refrigerator at a temperature from 0 to 14 degrees no longer than 24 hours. It is better stored in unoxidizable china and enamel containers. 

Here are some ideas for the decoration of jelly:

  • The simplest way to decorate jelly is to cook it with preserved fruit and berries.
  • It is possible to prepare a combination jelly by alternating layers of jellies of various colours. A layer of jelly of a particular colour is poured into a form, cooled and only after its setting a next layer is poured.
  • To cook mosaic jelly, pour thin layers of jellies of different colours on baking trays. Cut diamonds, triangles, or other figures out of the jellies; mix and put them into forms and pour light-coloured or colourless jelly to fill the figures; let the jelly set. Such jellies are used for decoration of meals.
  • Put forms with set jelly into hot water for several seconds, then shake them slightly and lay onto plates, ice-cream and jam bowls. Decorate jellies with fruit, berries, nuts and whipped cream. Fruit jellies are mostly served with whipped cream, and milk jelly with fruit or berry syrups.
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